Friday, August 19, 2011

Wall-Builders and the People who Love Them....

So I have come to find how hard break-ups and heartbreak can be.

Yet there are so many women and even men in this world who fall in love with people that spend their time building walls around their hearts, thinking that they can protect them. The truth is, the walls made out of imaginary bricks, have holes that go unseen by the maker. Walls are not meant to be kept around the heart, because the heart's capacity to love is infinite, cannot be measured nor enclosed, so no wall could ever contain it. For those of you who have loved a "wall-builder" or those of you who are wall-builders, I hope you are able to get something out of this that can lead you to a path of endless happiness....

To you,

You may have many goals in life the main root of all being success. I'm very sure that you could build empires if you wanted to. But keep in mind records can broken, money can come and go, and no physical creation will last forever; With every sky scrapper you build, there will always be someone else that can build greater. Instead, take the time to decide what legacy you want to build and leave behind. The ones who will remember it and those you leave it to, are the ones who love you. If not them, you leave it to the rest of the world and the world can be a fickle place at times. Ask yourself: Who do you want to be, "the man who lives to work or the man who works to live?" Unfortunately, life is hard in every aspect. But whether you work every single day of your life or a shorter period, work is routine and doesn't change. For the man who works every day of his life, work is merely a way for he who can't handle the consequences of living.

Life IS Beautiful. Every experience you have is tied to an endless array of emotions that we have as human beings! They are deeply entwined with who we are and who we become, which is why a memory can be so uplifting and beautiful because it is tied to those emotions with fondness in our hearts. Although, along with the good there can also be bad. There will always be a duality in life and within ourselves. This duality, although very complex, has over time been defined or labeled as "Good-Bad", "Black-White" or "Good-Evil." The reason for this duality is so that we can know without a shadow of a doubt that "Yes, I AM HAPPY!" Without experiencing the bad there would be no way for us to know the good. Love and happiness are just as much a part of living as sadness and pain; and even though it sounds "bad", they are meant to be experienced just as completely, not merely as a sting or flesh wound but really Felt, so as to be understood. But know this, Feeling Is Healing!!! No matter what happens to you in life you have the ability to overcome anything!! However, in order to do so you must first give in to those bad emotions, because as soon as you are able to feel the bad you can begin to overcome it and go back toward the Good. If you constantly ignore it or push it away, you go nowhere and the amount of pain you will feel later on only grows stronger. Just as happiness and love can overwhelm you, when you are heartbroken and devastated, sadness and pain is just as overwhelming. Running from the pain or sadness is not wise, because when you run or move without cause you are merely running away from something that will Always find you. You are strong and great because you are human and have a capacity to be so. You have a great heart but like everyone else, at times are afraid to give in to those bad emotions. It is never easy to admit defeat to anyone, especially to yourself. But the instant you Feel, it begins to leave you and you can begin to rise above it!

I hope this helps, and you take the time to slowly understand it. As I can share my advice or wisdom, I have listened to words of great men who came before me. These are some of them:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away" -Anonymous

"The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."- William James

"It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all." - William Shakespeare